Friday, November 21, 2008


The University hosted a dinner this week for all the neighborhood organizations that surround the school. There were church representatives, neighborhood organizations and businesses. It was an opportunity to meet staff at the University who are in charge of student living and government relations and have conversations with them. The president of the University spoke to us about what they have accomplished this year and what is in store for the future. It was a good networking evening and a pleasant night out.

This type of event opens doors for our organization to further our perspectives and make our neighborhood an even better place to live.

Thanks, U.D!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Not enough to do?

Not enough to do? Today is a WOOT-OFF!!

See, is a site where they sell one thing a day... usually. They are typically nerdy things like memory sticks, computers, speakers, things like that.

BUT, every now and then they have a "Woot-Off" where they sell left over stuff until it's gone. And today is your lucky day, it's a Woot-Off day.

Have some fun discovering something new and you just might find that one thing you've been looking for............ Woot-Off!